Thursday, September 30, 2021

The WRITER who COULDN'T play Scrabble


Genesis 11:7

King James Version

7 Go to, 

let us go down, 

and there confound their language, 

that they may not understand 

one another's speech.

It doesn't help that Scrabble is a word game.

And that there's an estimated 4,000 Scrabble clubs around the world.

Neither does it help that Scrabble was invented by an architect -- Alfred Mosher Butts.

I truly am wired differently.

For I'm a writer who can't play Scrabble.

Never did.

Never could.

Never would want to.

I hide, when I see people putting up the board, and taking out those tiny, wooden blocks.

I studied Architecture, but have not really embraced the field.

That probably accounts for not having a love for the game invented by an architect.



I'm just not into it.

Are you?

Are you good at it?

Am I missing anything?

Am I a complete klutz?

Perhaps, it's the scoring that I shrink from.

Anything where a score is needed, I shrink from.

I don't care for scores.

I just love the idea of playing.

No competition.

No stress of performing.

I suppose I don't have a competitive bone in my body.

I just want to play.

That's probably why I'm better at WORD play.

Words follow me, all over the place.

WORDS are my toys.

Crossword puzzles are fun.

The farthest word game I'd go for is SPELLING, at school.

For which, I received a blue ribbon once.

Somehow, I found Spelling enjoyable.

And quite easy.

Studying the KJV Bible was also quite easy.

SPIRIT made it easy.

Only because I've embraced the LORD, as born again.

That, honestly, made ALL the difference in the world.


My learning zoomed to great heights.

True knowledge was given.

Peace reigned.

All of us have different gifts.

Just not Scrabble, for me.

I do have limitations.

Except, I could SPELL, and that's for the next post.

(Image: Pixabay)


  1 Samuel 15:23 King James Version 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,  and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because th...