John 1:1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
Welcome to my 32nd blog.
SPIRIT and I call it "WIRED for WORDS".
Only because words are my toys.
I can't seem to stop.
They practically just spill out of me.
Where others scrounge for words, words follow me around.
As far as I can remember, I read everything on sight.
Anything with the written word.
Medical literature.
Everything where a word danced around.
Calling to me, to pay attention.
Which, of course, I do.
I read two romance books each day in high school.
Hiding it under the table, as the teacher droned on.
And never got caught.
Or if they'd noticed, they let me be.
For when they looked for someone to recite, oftentimes, I'd wing it.
And got away with it.
But please, no Shakespeare.
I have nothing against the bard.
I plain like plain language.
But GOD had the last say.
One day, so many years from my youth, He took pity on His erring child, and made me born again.
That ought to stop me reading useless books.
All the while, ignoring HIS BOOK.
Whadyamean, I'm not reading HIS BOOK?!
So, God made me born again, and I was never bored again.
Not only that, He took my thinking to the next level.
He knew I could get it.
And get it, I did.
The non-Shakespeare reader, became a King James reader.
Same era.
How crazy can life get?
And I seemed to understand it all.
As if, it was second language to me.
What can a word-lover do?
What can a GOD-adorer do?
Write about GOD.
What can a Bible student do?
Write about Scripture.
And all the treasures therein.
All at the same time studying, sharing, and playing.
Enjoying GOD's WORD.
And taking His WORD for it.
I can't be anything else.
God invented the WORD.
He is the WORD.
The WORD is the beginning.
The WORD is all that will remain.
Isaiah 40:8
King James Version
8 The grass withereth,
the flower fadeth:
but the word of our God
shall stand for ever.
I'm in heaven.
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NOTE: All verses on this blog have been sourced from King James Bible Online, and Bible Gateway.
Image: cottonbro