Sunday, June 30, 2024

WORD and images

 Isaiah 40:8

King James Version

8 The grass withereth, 

the flower fadeth: 

but the word of our God 

shall stand for ever.

I'm going back to how I used to write before.

GOD gave me my own way of writing when I was a kid.

I didn't even need images then.

Given a word, I could write volumes on it.

Given a theme, the result would be the same.

That's how I found essays were easy for me.

How I loved writing essays!

It was like second nature to me.

Others are good at math.

Others are good at debates.

Others are good at academics.

I have an easy time writing.

I don't know when I started deviating.

Perhaps, it started when someone gave me my first camera -- a Nikon autofocus -- in 1984.

That started the pictures rolling.

Opportunities in the media came in the mid-80s.

Somehow, people "felt" I could write.

Hired as assistant editor, I did short interviews for an expat newspaper.

My weekly "inquiring photographer" section naturally called for photos.

My British editor loaned me a cool cam that took two frames at a time.

As photojournalist, I was also covering the business, arts, culture, and entertainment scene.

Naturally, I was tasked to take pictures of events.

Hired to write for a public relations agency, I had to come up with captions for beauty, and fashion, photographs.

Hired to be managing editor for a business journal, all the more photographs were needed.

Now that I look back into those, I can safely say those jobs made me deviate from how I normally write.

To just write freely, without images.

As born again over 57 months now, of course, I don't write, as the world would have me write.

I have a different MASTER.

I've been writing for GOD.

I write about His laws.

I write about His commands.

I write about His warnings.

I write about His prophecies.

Doing all that makes me workman, and watchman.

Caring for your soul, as well as for mine.

Today, I've decided to go back to how I started writing.

Without images.

No distractions for me, or you.

That ought to be a good sign.

Reflective of my growth as a student of SPIRIT.

Considering how the world's going.

Having a perpetual obsession with images.

Bombarding our brains with too many competing images.

Now, they even add music, to every image on social media.

It's really a "watch me", "admire me" generation now.

As born again, my brain is wired differently.

Where before, it's been said:

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words."

-- Wikipedia on Arthur Brisbane quote

Today, SPIRIT fed me a different thought:

"The WORD is worth a thousand images."

(A word like "JESUS", for one.)


"GOD's WORD suffices."

Now, without the distraction of searching for appropriate images for my posts, I can focus solely on GOD's WORD.

And really meditate upon it.

As a baby Christian in 2019, I had a "frenzy" of sorts.

All because I waited so long to know ABSOLUTE truth.

And when JESUS led me to it, I just wrote, and wrote, and wrote.

I couldn't fill enough notebooks, blogs, and posts, to "document" my findings.

Today, the "frenzy" is gone.

Serenity has taken its place.

Now, I can truly savor GOD's WORD.

But that 57-month frenzy had a purpose.

All the ground work was laid, serving as foundation.

Now, I can merely draw from those, as links.

Now, I make time to write, and edit, longer, and slower,

The volume of ideas remains the same.

If anything, there's more to write about now.

And I need not be bogged down searching for images.

Images can be an addiction.

Watch most people everywhere.

They're glued to phones.

Taking a selfie here.

Taking pictures of almost everything.

Documenting every breath, meal, look, or festivity.

And sharing it with the world, who does the same.

With many platforms to enable us.

I'm done with images.

All the images that matter, are in my heart now.

Plus, of course, we have hard copies from photographs.

I come from that generation.

GOD's WORD speaks for itself.

Through the articles SPIRIT inspires me to write.

GOD's WORD suffices.

It is POWER on its own.

With no help from me, or anyone.

It's so powerful, it's all that will remain.

JESUS confirms GOD's declaration through this verse:

Matthew 24:35

King James Version

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, 

but my words shall not pass away.

The only thing that will remain, is GOD's WORD.

The perfect image for the WORD?


John 1:14

King James Version

14 And the Word was made flesh, 

and dwelt among us, 

(and we beheld his glory, 

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) 

full of grace and truth.

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