Thursday, April 11, 2024



JESUS warned us about the proud:

Luke 18:9

King James Version

9 And he spake this parable unto certain 

which trusted in themselves 

that they were righteous, 

and despised others:

What leads us to GOD?

Who succeeds?

How do we get converted?

Who teaches us plainly about Scripture?

As born again, I can say it's through SPIRIT alone.

At least, that's my personal experience.

In the mid-80s, a couple tried to convert me.

They were born again.

They saw I was having personal problems.

They were kind, sweet, and accommodating, and I'm grateful for that.

But I can't help feeling they took "advantage" of my momentary weakness.

Not really giving me time to think it over.

They just "pounced".

Before you know it, they were praying over me.

And I didn't really know what was happening.

Nothing has sank in yet.

They invited me to their born again circle.

All family members, with respective spouses.

Rich folks.

Their group gave themselves away one day.

I was searching for a cake, for some occasion.

One of the born again women sort of "scoffed".

"Oh, we bake our own cakes."

And that's when the mood changed.

How is it that a simple statement like that turned me off?

How is it that a so-called woman of GOD would scoff at a young "recruit"?

How is it that anyone would scoff at another's meager attempts for gifting another?

But I'm glad GOD shooed me away from them.

It was to be His way.

Not through their way.

The lessons would not have stuck with me.

I'd have belonged to a "clique".

Merriam-Webster defines "clique" as:

"a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons"

How very apt!

That's EXACTLY the feeling I got from that group.

How could GOD's WORD settle upon your heart, in such a proud group?

As you can guess, I stayed away from the group.

And have sought GOD, the best way I knew how.




I don't belong to a "clique".

I never could.

I prefer independent study.

Quietly studying things.

Weighing things.

Piecing them all together.

In the peace, and comfort, of my own mind.

Until I get that "AHA" moment.

With the HOLY SPIRIT giving me "prompts".

And TONS of guidance.

It's how GOD created me.

Studying on my own, mostly.

For His Own, perfect purpose.

Cliques don't click with me.

GOD picked me up when I was at my lowest, 60 months ago.

He showed up five months after, and made me born again.

That worked.

The lengthy wait.

The TOTAL surrender.

I've been born again 55 months now.

I don't know how it will be for you.

But I'm pretty sure, it will be according to GOD's plan.

He's always had His eye on you.

2 Timothy 2:19

King James Version

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God

standeth sure, having this seal, 

The Lord knoweth them that are his. 

And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ 

depart from iniquity.

Related material:

BORN AGAIN articles


ULTIMATE leadership book

Image: Clipart Library


  1 Samuel 15:23 King James Version 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,  and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because th...