Saturday, February 8, 2025



1 Samuel 15:23

King James Version

23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, 

and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. 

Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, 

he hath also rejected thee from being king.

The people have spoken.

The people have voted.

They have put Trump in.

They want relief, and reforms.

They want accountability.

What part don't dino-SORE Democrats get?

Massive reform is greatly needed, for America to get back on her feet.

Dino Dems are standing in the way.

Still, Trump keeps going.

Care, creativity, and clarity are part of his agenda.

Love, light, and life are majority of it.

GOD, grace, and goodness are all of it.

JESUS, joy, and justice are it.

The dino Dems must stop being DEAF-iant.

They've failed to listen.

Is it any surprise they are no more?

We perceive they won't be around for quite a while.

Now that they're creating so much noise, they won't be listened to either.

All the better so Trump and his team can work in peace.

The Dems have had a lingering illness.

Their failed programs brought nothing but trouble, misery, and confusion for most everyone.

They are fighting a lost, lowly, lying cause.

GOD made sure all their left, woke, and DEI nonsense, was replaced by plain, old common sense.

Which Trump and his team have TONS of.

But I guess T-rex Dems can't clap for Trump.

They mock him for his "small" hands.

Not realizing they have short arms.

No wonder, they can't clap.

Much less do anything.

All they do is "bite".

Those "small" hands have signed lots of wonderful executive orders.

At his TIME magazine photo session, it's been noted Trump's hands looked like it had bruises on it.

He merely said, it's from shaking so many hands.

The president won't tell you how he's suffering.

He'll just keep walking, working, and waving.

Take a cue, Dems.

Stop being a dino-SORE.

You won't be able to SOAR that way.

Take the Trump train.

See the new sights.

Bite no more.

Have honest fun, for a change.

Don't spoil the real fun.

No wonder dino-SORES are no more.

They're not fun to have around.

They're not pretty to look at.

Plus, they fester, and pester.

Related material:

TAKE the TRUMP train

A HISTORIC president

The SORE losers

Related videos:

Peter Doocy: Democrats are really upset about this

Trump makes remarks at dinner with Republican Senators

Markwayne Mullin: Democrats are ‘tone deaf’ to Americans

Image: Clipart Library

Friday, January 10, 2025

3 mismanaged STATES

 Proverbs 29:2

King James Version

2 When the righteous are in authority, 

the people rejoice: 

but when the wicked beareth rule, 

the people mourn.

Thanks to veteran journalist of 50 years, Bill O'Reilly, I got an idea for this article.

He said, California, New York, and Illinois were the "most mismanaged in the union".

Of course, SPIRIT got my funny brain going.

We came up with "fun" names for these states.

Which seemed to describe them pretty much.

And a teeny-weeny look at their "politics".

Here goes:


That reminds us of the blue-colored, Hindu goddess, "Kali", with the scary angry face, lots of arms, and clutching a severed head.

She's associated with "time, death and destruction".

As born again, I know of only one character who represents that -- CHRIST's enemy.

You've also heard about the wildfires from 7 January this year. 

Where we discovered how shockingly mismanaged CA is.

No wonder it's on top of O'Reilly's list.

I can imagine Trump turning "red", as he wants to choke CA's failed Democratic government, until they turn "blue".

Except, they're already blue.


If this is second in O'Reilly's "mismanaged" list, they deserve a look:

"As of April 2016, the Democrats represented a plurality of voters in the State of New York, constituting more than twice as many registered voters as any other political party affiliation or lack thereof.[291] No Republican presidential candidate has won over New York State since Ronald Reagan's landslide victory in 1984."

-- "New York politics"

Didn't Trump like NY once?

"From 1983 until 2019, Trump's primary residence was the three-level penthouse on the top floors of Trump Tower; in 2019, he declared Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, to be his primary residence."

-- "Residences of Donald Trump"

Oh, he sought the "warmer" climate.

And waters.

'Nuf said.


Third in O'Reilly's list, let's have a look:

"In modern national and state politics, Illinois is a Democratic stronghold.[206] Historically, Illinois was a political swing state, with near-parity existing between the Republican and the Democratic parties. However, in recent elections, the Democratic Party has gained ground, and Illinois has come to be seen as a solid "blue" state in both presidential and congressional campaigns.

-- "Party balance"

"Several families from Illinois have played particularly prominent roles in politics, in both the Republican Party earlier in the state's history but more recently the Democratic Party, gaining both statewide and national fame."

-- "Political families"

That figures.

All three states are Dems.

If you say, "His lips turned blue", that means lack of oxygen.

If you say "red-blooded", the person is full of life, and vigor.

CA, NY, and ILL are "blue".

They'll be needing Trump's "resuscitating" qualities.

Even better than that, they could use the BLOOD of the LAMB, from the LORD JESUS.

Of course, they'll resist with everything they've got.

But that can be healthy.

The angrier they get, the "redder" they'll become.

And that's a good sign.

That will make the oxygen flow.

Never again will they be "blue".

Related material:

On U.S. politics


BORN AGAIN articles

Related video:

Robert Davi: Newsom should go back to the French Laundry and 'retire'

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


 Proverbs 10:7

King James Version

7 The memory of the just is blessed: 

but the name of the wicked shall rot.

WORDS are my TOYS.

I have a grand time playing around with key words.

Including sounds, and combinations.

Today, SPIRIT led me to American politicians' names.

With the idea being, do the names reveal who they are?

Do the names reveal what they are?

Do the names reveal their public image?

We'll present these, with matching verses.

We have five, distinct names.

Five Democrats; one Republican.

Outnumbered, but not out-SCRIPTURED.

Not hard to guess who these are once we get going.

We merely create stuff from how the names sound.

How the person has projected himself in public.

And how they continue to be.

So, let's begin:


He promised Trump a smooth transition, but he does the opposite. Isn't that betrayal? Well, Scripture will remind him how to be, as he bids farewell to the presidency.

2 Corinthians 13:11

King James Version

11 Finally, brethren, farewell. 

Be perfect, 

be of good comfort, 

be of one mind, 

live in peace; 

and the God of love and peace 

shall be with you.


He's proud, and has been said to be behind Biden's administration. That's why they call them, "Obiden". He's been known to mock GOD, at his own peril.

Proverbs 16:5

King James Version

5 Every one that is proud in heart 

is an abomination to the Lord: 

though hand join in hand, 

he shall not be unpunished.


In Spanish, "mala" means "bad", or "bad luck". The first time we heard her laugh, it alerted our spirit right away, Definitely something sinister there.

Proverbs 6:16-19

King James Version

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: 

yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, 

a lying tongue, 

and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, 

feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, 

and he that soweth discord among brethren.


She's been painted as a very ambitious woman. And yet the presidency remains elusive. Such is her fate, and she must just stop being controlling.

Genesis 3:15

King James Version

15 And I will put enmity 

between thee and the woman, 

and between thy seed and her seed; 

it shall bruise thy head, 

and thou shalt bruise his heel.


Governor Newsom has failed California. This proud Democrat would rather fight Trump on all fronts, than focus on water management. And then the fire happened.

Jeremiah 23:33

Contemporary English Version

News and Nuisance

The Lord said to me:

33 Jeremiah, 

when a prophet or a priest or anyone else 

comes to you and asks, 

“Does the Lord have news for us?” 

tell them, “You people 

are a nuisance[a] to the Lord, 

and he[b] will get rid of you.”


What can I say? The Bible is full of resounding "trump". GOD made him win. He has the heart, and stomach for the "fight". He's got a Trump Bible, too.

1 Corinthians 15:52

King James Version

52 In a moment, 

in the twinkling of an eye, 

at the last trump: 

for the trumpet shall sound, 

and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, 

and we shall be changed.

I invite you to "play" with your own names.

See what key words come out.

Does it reveal your character?

See what the Bible says, too.

Have fun, and yes, take it personally!

For there's always truth in key words.

Related material:

WORD study

Monday, December 2, 2024

SEE the Cs

Habakkuk 2:2

King James Version

2 And the Lord answered me, 

and said, 

Write the vision, 

and make it plain upon tables, 

that he may run that readeth it.

I thank GOD for the ability to connect world events with simple "key" words, and vice-versa.

Such as what His SPIRIT alerted me to today.

He inspired me to "see", through the "Cs".

The twisted Cs:







The necessary Cs:







What's to happen to the world now?

Well, the world was once in grave danger.

But GOD stopped the foolishness.

He made Trump win.

From that, a domino effect.

Reverberating all over the world.

Surely you've seen the changes.

That's another "C" we need to see.

We all prayed for CHANGE.

And GOD didn't give us loose "change".

He gave us REAL change.

Starting with Trump.

Trump was not perfect.

But he "will do".

As I'm not perfect.

But I "will do".

Only GOD has wisdom.

He knows all our hearts.

He knows what we're all up to.

He knows we're all steeped in sin.

Through JESUS, He didn't give up on us.

Trump was probably the only real friend of Israel.

Neither was Israel perfect.

But GOD sees what we don't.

Isaiah 55:8-9

King James Version

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 

neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, 

so are my ways higher than your ways, 

and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Forget about resisting change.

It's already in place.

We're all in PREPARATION now.


His faithful will meet Him up in the CLOUDS.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

King James Version

16 For the Lord himself 

shall descend from heaven 

with a shout, 

with the voice of the archangel, 

and with the trump of God: 

and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain 

shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, 

to meet the Lord in the air: 

and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Those are the "Cs" you need to see.

Prepare for the imminent Rapture.

After which, chaos will follow.

It's really all about the "Cs".

Which SPIRIT made me see.

Your job?

Focus on the RIGHT "C".


Related material:

BORN AGAIN articles


END times

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Job 10:15

King James Version

15 If I be wicked, woe unto me; 

and if I be righteous, 

yet will I not lift up my head. 

I am full of confusion; 

therefore see thou mine affliction;

Ever heard someone say something, and you can't quite make tails of it?

No matter how hard you tried, you simply can't understand.

Well, that happened to me with the Kamala statement:

"What can be unburdened 

by what has been."

On, and on, she'd keep at it.

Mouthing those very words.

As if programming our poor brains.

Of course, that's the idea.

To exhaust us even more.

Wearing out our "defenses".

And then...aha!

I know I am not alone in wondering what she's trying to say.

Wondering what all the mystery is all about.

Or if it's not meant to be understood at all.

No matter how hard you tried.

Thing is, I'm a business communications lecturer.

I've always taught people to communicate simply.

And to have mercy on their readers, or listeners.

Not to impress, or depress.

But just to say it simplest.

I've even gone on to say that saying it simply, doesn't mean you're a simpleton.

Just that you're considerate, and compassionate.

Don't expect your readers or listeners to head over to the nearest dictionary, once you open your mouth.

Have mercy on your listeners.

Make things easy for them.

You're not the only one they have to listen to.

Well, I dropped the Kamala "word salad".

I don't intend to try to understand it.

It's simply incompreHENsible.

But SPIRIT had other ideas.

He led me to a curious verse today.

Leave it to SPIRIT to end all confusion.

And to have the LAST say.

He led me to a statement from the wisest king in Israel.

King Solomon stated:

Ecclesiastes 1:9

King James Version

9 The thing that hath been, 

it is that which shall be; 

and that which is done 

is that which shall be done: 

and there is no new thing under the sun.

Now, that makes sense.

Unlike the vague Kamala salad.

Truly millions of worlds apart.

The wise king serves GOD.

Kamala seems to serve a different god.

Two short videos have already identified her statement as "Marxist".

That in itself should be clear warning to all.

Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? - Eric Weinstein

Marx: the Burden of What Has Been | Logan Lancing

Another short video warns us about her "cunning" ways:

Is Kamala Harris Intellectually Lazy, and Why Does She Talk So Strangely? With Victor Davis Hanson

I won't pretend.

I honestly don't understand the Marx thing.

Talk to me about the Gospel of Mark thing and I can comprehend that easily.

Evangelist Mark's words are short, simple, and straightforward.

The mark of a TRUE man of GOD.

GOD's WORD is always clear:

1 Corinthians 14:33

King James Version

33 For God is not the author of confusion, 

but of peace, 

as in all churches of the saints.

In my work as communicator, these much I know:

If a person wants you to understand, he will put his message in the simplest form.

If a person wants to impress you, he will use jargon, or hard-to-understand words.

If a person wants to act "intellectual", well, he will become "philosophic".

Scripture is clear on man's ways and "philosophy":

Colossians 2:8

King James Version

8 Beware lest any man spoil you 

through philosophy and vain deceit, 

after the tradition of men, 

after the rudiments of the world, 

and not after Christ.

GOD doesn't like the haughty.

Proverbs 6:16-19

King James Version

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: 

yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, 

a lying tongue, 

and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, 

feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, 

and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Tell me, how many of those is Kamala into?

How many of those describe her persona?

How many of those describe her agenda?

How many of those describe her group?

How many of those describe other candidates, too?

Very telling, indeed.

JESUS warned us of lies, and liars:

John 8:44-45

King James Version

44 Ye are of your father the devil, 

and the lusts of your father ye will do. 

He was a murderer from the beginning, 

and abode not in the truth, 

because there is no truth in him. 

When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: 

for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, 

ye believe me not.

Beware the Kamala thing.

Beware of the people who put her there.

Beware their collective agenda.

Don't let them weave confusion in you.

It's a form of "sorcery".

Which will create "knots" in you.

Making you pull your hair out.

And turning you into a "nut".

A bald nut.

Don't try to understand her words.

Maybe she doesn't understand it herself.

Or maybe she does, and hopes you don't.

Her puppeteers purposely want us confused.

They want us "occupied", so they can "occupy".

Confusion and ambush are the enemy's strategy.

Be very aware.

SPIRIT led me to who Kamala really is.

Kamala's strategy is charm, chaos, and confusion.

GOD's way is CHRIST, clarity, and commandments.

It's really easy to choose.

It's really easy to differentiate.

Discernment comes from SPIRIT.

1 Corinthians 2:14

King James Version

14 But the natural man receiveth not 

the things of the Spirit of God: 

for they are foolishness unto him: 

neither can he know them, 

because they are spiritually discerned.

Be very aware of the times we are in.

In these end times, it is the era of chaos, and confusion.

It is the era where sheep, and goats, are separated.

It is the era where goats have become boldest.

It is the era where they will put things in place.

With an agenda NOT of GOD.

Ephesians 5:15-16

King James Version

15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, 

not as fools, but as wise,

16 Redeeming the time, 

because the days are evil.

The solution is simple.

If we are to survive the Kamala craze.

Let the enemy's thoughts, words, and deeds fall upon themselves.

Psalm 37:15

King James Version

15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, 

and their bows shall be broken.

Related material:

Kamala's BIGGEST mistake



When a NUT talks to a NOT



Related videos:

Kamala EXPOSED After Black Mom Speaks Out!

An Honest Look at What Kamala Harris Did in California

"It Was Joe's Fault" - Joe Rogan Exposes Kamala Harris's Campaign

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Genesis 3:6

King James Version

6 And when the woman saw 

that the tree was good for food, 

and that it was pleasant to the eyes, 

and a tree to be desired to make one wise, 

she took of the fruit thereof, 

and did eat, 

and gave also unto her husband with her; 

and he did eat.

It was the cackle that gave her away.

My hearing seems to be quite sensitive.

Attuned to a certain pitch, and frequency.

Which either soothes me, or alerts me.

The Harris cackle is the latter.

As born again, all the more my feathers are ruffled.

For it's a very dangerous cackle.

We shall quote what we wrote earlier in another post:

"That cackle will be the world's undoing.

That cackle is a form of sorcery, which creates unrest.

That cackle is a form of witchcraft, which weaves its tentacles into you.

Meant to disturb whatever semblance of peace the world has.

Satan has gone for the "kill".

Beware the hen's cackle."

-- "When a NUT talks to a NOT"

She soars in false bravado.

She wings it, by cackling.

When unable to answer a question, she laughs it off.

As if, in doing so, she can derail the questioner.

Or, perhaps, charm her listeners with her beauty.

For she is, indeed, attractive, and charming.

Just that "cackle"

Which seem to be a "cover".

And yet, the dead "giveaway".

I don't think it's from ignorance.

Maybe just a lack of sincerity.

Maybe she's got strong backers.

And she doesn't need to do research.

All is "set"; all is "done"; all according to "plan".

She believes she can get away with anything.

That's why I call it a false sense of "bravado".

Recently, her group boasted of the money they raised for her campaign.

All the more dangerous.

With all that money, and backers, how will other candidates fare?

Will others have a chance, too?

Or has it all been "cooked"?

Ready to be "served"?

For another round?

Hitler couldn't stand Harris.

That much I gathered from a video I got to watch today.

I know it's a satire, but it's so spot on.

Harris has looks.

She's got charm.

She surely has brains.

And yes, ambition, to boot.

She has much to crow about --

She was Attorney General of California (2001-2017).

She was U.S. Senator (2017-2021).

She was voted U.S. Vice President (2021 - present).

And now, touted by Biden to take his place as president.

No one from the Dems seem to be protesting.

All the more I wonder about that.

Men of ego, allowing a woman to take the forefront?

Something's being "cooked", all right.

It may serve Harris, or it may not.

Is she meant to be a distracting "front"?

That they may move towards the "back"?

One never really knows.

At least, I don't.

But GOD does.

The only time she got on my born again "radar" was when she became VP.

Prior to that, I had no knowledge of her existence.

Because I have no interest in crazy politics.

Observing Biden, I began to look at Harris.

And all I can say was, "uh-oh".

And when I get that "uh-oh" feeling, I am instantly alerted.

I'm not into politics at all.

But somehow, I got alerted to this VP.

Now, I'm alerted to ALL VPs.

And I begin to look at Harris' choice for VP.

For, in the event the president fails to perform his duties, the VP takes his place.

It's constitutional.

The plot, as they say, "thickens".

I still can't erase the haunting image of Jackie Kennedy's face in 1963.

With bloodied dress, standing beside Lyndon Johnson, as he was sworn in as president.

And this, with her husband just shot.

My heart went out to her, unable to imagine her grief, and shock.

And yet, she had to perform her duty, as the late president's wife.

And Johnson looking eager, and triumphant.

That's how fast the VP gets the job.

A death, or assassination, and he's got it.

With Biden, it's quite a different story.

Recent reports show his deteriorating faculties.

Something that grieve me, too.

A born again doesn't applaud affliction.

We grieve greatly.

But we grieve even more at their policies.

And now, a VP who may become president.

Having the potential to head the most powerful nation on earth.

And I think of her flip-flopping statements, and agenda.

Of which the media has already documented.

I think of her "winging" it, with that "cackle".

Laughing her head off, when she's unable to answer an important question.

And a seeming recklessness about her.

And that sense of "bravado".

As if she knows she can't lose.

Repre-HEN-sible, indeed.

I have nothing against her being female.

Nothing against her being giggly.

But I have concern about her disregard for GOD's laws.

How she was reported to have gotten her way to the top.

Her stand on abortion, and woke-ism.

Her ambiguity about Israel.

Surely you've noticed her smirk, at meeting with Netanyahu.

Such disrespect.

The false bravado was there again.

Speaking volumes.

That's when I see America, and Israel, in great danger.

And GOD only knows what other policies she, and the puppeteers, may have up their sleeve.

May we not reel in shock when they announce, and implement it, one day.

"Forewarned, is forearmed," as my father quotes.

That's why I'm telling you all these now.

Like I said, it's the cackle that gave her away.

There is a pleasant way of laughter.

But there is also the harsh kind.

Hers border on the latter.

A laugh that grates at my tender soul.

A laugh that "mocks".

A laugh that will "unhinge" us all.

Satan's really come in for the "kill".

He knows the power of women.

He corrupted Adam, through Eve.

He used Jezebel.

In these last days, it may be Kamala.

And the rest of her kind.

All who adore a different god.

Harris is Baptist, but her policies don't reflect that.

A Baptist is supposed to abide by "sola scriptura".

"the scripture of the Bible alone, 

as the rule of faith and practice"

-- Baptists

In these precarious days, all the more I stick to Scripture.

Politicians will always have their way.

They have an agenda.

But I've got faith.

I don't trust the ways of this world.

My faith is in JESUS CHRIST  alone.

I know GOD sees all, knows all, is all.

He will look after His faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

King James Version

23 Let us hold fast 

the profession of our faith 

without wavering; 

(for he is faithful that promised;)

Harris can be president, if GOD allows.

As He did, when Israel demanded a king of their choice.

In the same manner, Trump can be re-elected, if it is GOD's will.

That's really what I trust -- GOD's will.

His will, is always done.

Only He has power over everything.

He will allow things, for His perfect purpose.

In ways we cannot see, nor possibly comprehend.

The only wise thing to do, is to pray to know GOD's will.

1 John 5:14

King James Version

14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, 

that, if we ask any thing according to his will, 

he heareth us:

That's the only choice we have.

That's the ONLY choice that works.

With ABSOLUTE certainty.

GOD's will be done.

JESUS told us so:

Matthew 6:10

King James Version

10 Thy kingdom come, 

Thy will be done in earth, 

as it is in heaven.

Related material:

Kamala's BIGGEST mistake

On U.S. politics

When a NUT talks to a NOT




GOD's POWER over nations

GODLY men and women

GOD's GLORY blogs

BORN AGAIN classics

Related videos:

Church, Unite for the Soul of America! | Ezekiel 33:1-5 | Gary Hamrick

Kamala EXPOSED After Black Mom Speaks Out!

SATAN SHOWED HIMSELF! Kamala Gives Church Speech And This Happened

Sunday, June 30, 2024

WORD and images

 Isaiah 40:8

King James Version

8 The grass withereth, 

the flower fadeth: 

but the word of our God 

shall stand for ever.

I'm going back to how I used to write before.

GOD gave me my own way of writing when I was a kid.

I didn't even need images then.

Given a word, I could write volumes on it.

Given a theme, the result would be the same.

That's how I found essays were easy for me.

How I loved writing essays!

It was like second nature to me.

Others are good at math.

Others are good at debates.

Others are good at academics.

I have an easy time writing.

I don't know when I started deviating.

Perhaps, it started when someone gave me my first camera -- a Nikon autofocus -- in 1984.

That started the pictures rolling.

Opportunities in the media came in the mid-80s.

Somehow, people "felt" I could write.

Hired as assistant editor, I did short interviews for an expat newspaper.

My weekly "inquiring photographer" section naturally called for photos.

My British editor loaned me a cool cam that took two frames at a time.

As photojournalist, I was also covering the business, arts, culture, and entertainment scene.

Naturally, I was tasked to take pictures of events.

Hired to write for a public relations agency, I had to come up with captions for beauty, and fashion, photographs.

Hired to be managing editor for a business journal, all the more photographs were needed.

Now that I look back into those, I can safely say those jobs made me deviate from how I normally write.

To just write freely, without images.

As born again over 57 months now, of course, I don't write, as the world would have me write.

I have a different MASTER.

I've been writing for GOD.

I write about His laws.

I write about His commands.

I write about His warnings.

I write about His prophecies.

Doing all that makes me workman, and watchman.

Caring for your soul, as well as for mine.

Today, I've decided to go back to how I started writing.

Without images.

No distractions for me, or you.

That ought to be a good sign.

Reflective of my growth as a student of SPIRIT.

Considering how the world's going.

Having a perpetual obsession with images.

Bombarding our brains with too many competing images.

Now, they even add music, to every image on social media.

It's really a "watch me", "admire me" generation now.

As born again, my brain is wired differently.

Where before, it's been said:

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words."

-- Wikipedia on Arthur Brisbane quote

Today, SPIRIT fed me a different thought:

"The WORD is worth a thousand images."

(A word like "JESUS", for one.)


"GOD's WORD suffices."

Now, without the distraction of searching for appropriate images for my posts, I can focus solely on GOD's WORD.

And really meditate upon it.

As a baby Christian in 2019, I had a "frenzy" of sorts.

All because I waited so long to know ABSOLUTE truth.

And when JESUS led me to it, I just wrote, and wrote, and wrote.

I couldn't fill enough notebooks, blogs, and posts, to "document" my findings.

Today, the "frenzy" is gone.

Serenity has taken its place.

Now, I can truly savor GOD's WORD.

But that 57-month frenzy had a purpose.

All the ground work was laid, serving as foundation.

Now, I can merely draw from those, as links.

Now, I make time to write, and edit, longer, and slower,

The volume of ideas remains the same.

If anything, there's more to write about now.

And I need not be bogged down searching for images.

Images can be an addiction.

Watch most people everywhere.

They're glued to phones.

Taking a selfie here.

Taking pictures of almost everything.

Documenting every breath, meal, look, or festivity.

And sharing it with the world, who does the same.

With many platforms to enable us.

I'm done with images.

All the images that matter, are in my heart now.

Plus, of course, we have hard copies from photographs.

I come from that generation.

GOD's WORD speaks for itself.

Through the articles SPIRIT inspires me to write.

GOD's WORD suffices.

It is POWER on its own.

With no help from me, or anyone.

It's so powerful, it's all that will remain.

JESUS confirms GOD's declaration through this verse:

Matthew 24:35

King James Version

35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, 

but my words shall not pass away.

The only thing that will remain, is GOD's WORD.

The perfect image for the WORD?


John 1:14

King James Version

14 And the Word was made flesh, 

and dwelt among us, 

(and we beheld his glory, 

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) 

full of grace and truth.

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SOUL-saving WORD


  1 Samuel 15:23 King James Version 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,  and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because th...