Saturday, February 8, 2025



1 Samuel 15:23

King James Version

23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, 

and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. 

Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, 

he hath also rejected thee from being king.

The people have spoken.

The people have voted.

They have put Trump in.

They want relief, and reforms.

They want accountability.

What part don't dino-SORE Democrats get?

Massive reform is greatly needed, for America to get back on her feet.

Dino Dems are standing in the way.

Still, Trump keeps going.

Care, creativity, and clarity are part of his agenda.

Love, light, and life are majority of it.

GOD, grace, and goodness are all of it.

JESUS, joy, and justice are it.

The dino Dems must stop being DEAF-iant.

They've failed to listen.

Is it any surprise they are no more?

We perceive they won't be around for quite a while.

Now that they're creating so much noise, they won't be listened to either.

All the better so Trump and his team can work in peace.

The Dems have had a lingering illness.

Their failed programs brought nothing but trouble, misery, and confusion for most everyone.

They are fighting a lost, lowly, lying cause.

GOD made sure all their left, woke, and DEI nonsense, was replaced by plain, old common sense.

Which Trump and his team have TONS of.

But I guess T-rex Dems can't clap for Trump.

They mock him for his "small" hands.

Not realizing they have short arms.

No wonder, they can't clap.

Much less do anything.

All they do is "bite".

Those "small" hands have signed lots of wonderful executive orders.

At his TIME magazine photo session, it's been noted Trump's hands looked like it had bruises on it.

He merely said, it's from shaking so many hands.

The president won't tell you how he's suffering.

He'll just keep walking, working, and waving.

Take a cue, Dems.

Stop being a dino-SORE.

You won't be able to SOAR that way.

Take the Trump train.

See the new sights.

Bite no more.

Have honest fun, for a change.

Don't spoil the real fun.

No wonder dino-SORES are no more.

They're not fun to have around.

They're not pretty to look at.

Plus, they fester, and pester.

Related material:

TAKE the TRUMP train

A HISTORIC president

The SORE losers

Related videos:

Peter Doocy: Democrats are really upset about this

Trump makes remarks at dinner with Republican Senators

Markwayne Mullin: Democrats are ‘tone deaf’ to Americans

Image: Clipart Library

Friday, January 10, 2025

3 mismanaged STATES

 Proverbs 29:2

King James Version

2 When the righteous are in authority, 

the people rejoice: 

but when the wicked beareth rule, 

the people mourn.

Thanks to veteran journalist of 50 years, Bill O'Reilly, I got an idea for this article.

He said, California, New York, and Illinois were the "most mismanaged in the union".

Of course, SPIRIT got my funny brain going.

We came up with "fun" names for these states.

Which seemed to describe them pretty much.

And a teeny-weeny look at their "politics".

Here goes:


That reminds us of the blue-colored, Hindu goddess, "Kali", with the scary angry face, lots of arms, and clutching a severed head.

She's associated with "time, death and destruction".

As born again, I know of only one character who represents that -- CHRIST's enemy.

You've also heard about the wildfires from 7 January this year. 

Where we discovered how shockingly mismanaged CA is.

No wonder it's on top of O'Reilly's list.

I can imagine Trump turning "red", as he wants to choke CA's failed Democratic government, until they turn "blue".

Except, they're already blue.


If this is second in O'Reilly's "mismanaged" list, they deserve a look:

"As of April 2016, the Democrats represented a plurality of voters in the State of New York, constituting more than twice as many registered voters as any other political party affiliation or lack thereof.[291] No Republican presidential candidate has won over New York State since Ronald Reagan's landslide victory in 1984."

-- "New York politics"

Didn't Trump like NY once?

"From 1983 until 2019, Trump's primary residence was the three-level penthouse on the top floors of Trump Tower; in 2019, he declared Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, to be his primary residence."

-- "Residences of Donald Trump"

Oh, he sought the "warmer" climate.

And waters.

'Nuf said.


Third in O'Reilly's list, let's have a look:

"In modern national and state politics, Illinois is a Democratic stronghold.[206] Historically, Illinois was a political swing state, with near-parity existing between the Republican and the Democratic parties. However, in recent elections, the Democratic Party has gained ground, and Illinois has come to be seen as a solid "blue" state in both presidential and congressional campaigns.

-- "Party balance"

"Several families from Illinois have played particularly prominent roles in politics, in both the Republican Party earlier in the state's history but more recently the Democratic Party, gaining both statewide and national fame."

-- "Political families"

That figures.

All three states are Dems.

If you say, "His lips turned blue", that means lack of oxygen.

If you say "red-blooded", the person is full of life, and vigor.

CA, NY, and ILL are "blue".

They'll be needing Trump's "resuscitating" qualities.

Even better than that, they could use the BLOOD of the LAMB, from the LORD JESUS.

Of course, they'll resist with everything they've got.

But that can be healthy.

The angrier they get, the "redder" they'll become.

And that's a good sign.

That will make the oxygen flow.

Never again will they be "blue".

Related material:

On U.S. politics


BORN AGAIN articles

Related video:

Robert Davi: Newsom should go back to the French Laundry and 'retire'

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


 Proverbs 10:7

King James Version

7 The memory of the just is blessed: 

but the name of the wicked shall rot.

WORDS are my TOYS.

I have a grand time playing around with key words.

Including sounds, and combinations.

Today, SPIRIT led me to American politicians' names.

With the idea being, do the names reveal who they are?

Do the names reveal what they are?

Do the names reveal their public image?

We'll present these, with matching verses.

We have five, distinct names.

Five Democrats; one Republican.

Outnumbered, but not out-SCRIPTURED.

Not hard to guess who these are once we get going.

We merely create stuff from how the names sound.

How the person has projected himself in public.

And how they continue to be.

So, let's begin:


He promised Trump a smooth transition, but he does the opposite. Isn't that betrayal? Well, Scripture will remind him how to be, as he bids farewell to the presidency.

2 Corinthians 13:11

King James Version

11 Finally, brethren, farewell. 

Be perfect, 

be of good comfort, 

be of one mind, 

live in peace; 

and the God of love and peace 

shall be with you.


He's proud, and has been said to be behind Biden's administration. That's why they call them, "Obiden". He's been known to mock GOD, at his own peril.

Proverbs 16:5

King James Version

5 Every one that is proud in heart 

is an abomination to the Lord: 

though hand join in hand, 

he shall not be unpunished.


In Spanish, "mala" means "bad", or "bad luck". The first time we heard her laugh, it alerted our spirit right away, Definitely something sinister there.

Proverbs 6:16-19

King James Version

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: 

yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, 

a lying tongue, 

and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, 

feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, 

and he that soweth discord among brethren.


She's been painted as a very ambitious woman. And yet the presidency remains elusive. Such is her fate, and she must just stop being controlling.

Genesis 3:15

King James Version

15 And I will put enmity 

between thee and the woman, 

and between thy seed and her seed; 

it shall bruise thy head, 

and thou shalt bruise his heel.


Governor Newsom has failed California. This proud Democrat would rather fight Trump on all fronts, than focus on water management. And then the fire happened.

Jeremiah 23:33

Contemporary English Version

News and Nuisance

The Lord said to me:

33 Jeremiah, 

when a prophet or a priest or anyone else 

comes to you and asks, 

“Does the Lord have news for us?” 

tell them, “You people 

are a nuisance[a] to the Lord, 

and he[b] will get rid of you.”


What can I say? The Bible is full of resounding "trump". GOD made him win. He has the heart, and stomach for the "fight". He's got a Trump Bible, too.

1 Corinthians 15:52

King James Version

52 In a moment, 

in the twinkling of an eye, 

at the last trump: 

for the trumpet shall sound, 

and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, 

and we shall be changed.

I invite you to "play" with your own names.

See what key words come out.

Does it reveal your character?

See what the Bible says, too.

Have fun, and yes, take it personally!

For there's always truth in key words.

Related material:

WORD study


  1 Samuel 15:23 King James Version 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,  and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.  Because th...